Journal #9
David Colon
Creative Writing
Professor Miller
I don’t know why I rewrite this,
Should I make something up?
Should I try to sound poetic?
Should I try to sound real?
Should I ask a question,
Like what’s beyond our solar system?
Is there life,
Or are we all alone?
How did our universe begin?
Is there a God?
Did God place me here?
Do I have a purpose,
Or do I create my own purpose?
If there is a God, is there a heaven and hell?
How do we end up there?
Does God just pick and choose who gets to go to heaven and who gets to go to hell, or is there a moral process to placement?
What is morality?
Are humans innately good or evil?
Who defines what is good and what is evil?
What am I going to have for dinner tonight?
Will it be tasty?
How does my sense of taste work?
Is it merely a collection of electrochemical impulses or is it something more?
Why did the brain name itself the brain?
Was it through the same electrochemical process?
What does it feel like to be brain dead?
To get shot in the brain?
Was JFK’s death really a conspiracy?
Should I bother to look into this?
Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone?
Was there another gunman?
Do we live in a simulation?
Why do I ask so many questions?
Why do I question myself?
Why do I rewrite everything I write?
Will I ever find out?
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