2 Page Intro
David Colon
Creative Writing
Professor Miller
I wake up when my alarm makes three beeps like “beep beep beep”. I have a second alarm too, but instead of it going “beep,beep,beep,” it goes “bark…bark” because I really like dogs. Mom told me that I can get a dog one day, but not now because Mom says we don’t have enough money. I also have a third, fourth, and fifth alarm to make sure that my first two work. They’re my backups and Mom always tells me to have a backup plan. She says it like this: “Charlie, you need to have a backup plan for your backup plan.” I never listen because she is wrong and I am right.
I am very good at math and science. That’s what my teachers tell me too. And the kids at school are jealous that I’m really good at math and science because they get angry at me and yell at me when I am walking on my way from fourth period to fifth period.
My fifth alarm rings at 6:20 am and that’s when I know to eat breakfast. Mom cooks me two eggs, two slices of toast, and two strips of bacon. She’s really good at cooking my breakfast and when my stomach makes an ergggg sound, I know my breakfast will be very good. My breakfast is made at 6:30 am because that’s when Mom turns on Animal Planet for me because they have shows about dogs.
Today is Thursday and on Thursdays I go to school. Mom told me to get to the car so we could leave early, so I did. On average It takes approximately fourteen minutes and fifty-three seconds to get to school. On my way to school I saw three dogs: one German Shepherd, one Beagle, and one Pitbull. I asked Mom if I could get out of the car to pet them because we had left early for school. She said no.
Mom dropped me off in front of school and said “Charlie, I love you! Have a good day honey.” She then gave me a pat on the head because I don’t like hugs.
First period is math with Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. Fletcher says I am good at math which backs up what I said earlier that I was good at math. I sit near Mrs. Fletcher because in the beginning of the year she put me next to Jack Timothy and whenever I talked in class, he just told me that I was a weirdo. When I asked Mom why Jack called me a weirdo, she told me that he was jealous of me being so good at math. Which is true because Jack isn’t so good at math and there was this one time where Jack got a “C” and I got an “A” on a test. That also proves that I’m better than Jack at math.
The next couple of hours are boring because I don’t like the other subjects, like English or History because I’m not very good at them. And I know that one day, I’m going to become an Animal Behaviorist that studies dogs because like I said before, I really like dogs.
The boring subjects end at twelve o’clock and that’s when it’s time for lunch. On Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s, I get to eat lunch with Mrs. Fletcher and work on my math, but today was Thursday so I sit in the cafeteria. Mom tells me that I could talk to the other kids, but I can’t because Jack told them that I’m a weirdo and now they call me weirdo. So I like to sit alone because when I sit alone, I can think about math, and science, and dogs.
Mom always packs me a peanut butter sandwich with an apple. She also gives me money to buy chocolate ice cream, but I never buy it. Jack came over to me at twelve o’five and thirteen seconds. I know because I count everyday. He usually joins me for lunch and I give him my money because he asks for it. So I give it to him because Mom tells me that to make friends, I have to do nice things for people. And I know that Jack is my friend because he wouldn’t come and sit with me everyday if he didn’t’ think he was my friend.
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